File versions is a feature that enables you to track, restore, or revert to previous versions of documents in Onehub.
Accessing Versions Within a Workspace
You may access the previous versions of files within your Workspaces to compare, review, or restore documents. To view file versions, open any file within your account, and click the Versions icon.
Within the versions section of the document, you will see several options. At the top of the versions list, you may access and edit the Versions Settings by clicking the link Last 10 link within the workspace or delete all previous versions of the file. You may also delete individual versions or download previous versions of the file from the icons to the right of the file name.
Accessing Versions Settings
By default, all Workspaces are set to keep the last 10 versions of a document. You may adjust this by going to the Workspace settings. To do so, go to the Workspace and click the Settings icon.
Workspace properties will be displayed, where you may adjust the number of versions kept within that Workspace. After changing property settings, click Update Settings.