Your Account and Workspaces can be easily customized to reflect your own branding with your company logo and a color of your choosing.
Upload a Logo to Your Account
From your HOME page, select the ACCOUNT tab, then select the Theme tab. From here, you can update the entire account's Logo and Default Color. Clicking on the gear icon, or the paint bucket will allow you to upload a logo and change the color. These changes will apply to all workspaces on the account.
Note: This can only be done by Account Administrators.
Upload a Logo to a Workspace
You can have different logos for different workspaces. When you hover over the logo in your workspace, a gear icon will appear. Click on this for a button to upload a new logo for a particular workspace.
Note: This can only be done by Account or Workspace Administrators.
Supported image formats for logos include PNG, JPG, and GIF. PNG is recommended if you would like a high-quality logo while keeping the background transparent so the workspace color shows through.
Workspace logos are displayed at a maximum of 153 pixels wide by 40 pixels tall. To make sure your logo image displays at the optimal size, be sure to remove any empty space around it before uploading.
Change the Background Color
The background color of your workspace can be changed by clicking the paint bucket icon in the workspace toolbar. To more precisely match your brand, you can also use the gear icon below the color list to specify background and link colors as hexadecimal values.
Change the Link Color of Folder and File Names
You can change the color of your folder links by specifying their color in the Hexadecimal Web Color format in the same place your workspace background color is changed.