Onehub provides frequently requested Workspace information in the form of downloadable exports. Depending on your activated features and permission level, you will have access to slightly different exports in your Workspaces. This document will walk you through what each export contains and how to generate them.
This feature is available in the Advanced Edition and above.
Generating an Export
You can generate an export at any time be clicking the Export action at the top of your Workspace.
Then, click the button matching the export you would like to generate.
Export Types
Workspace Index
Any Workspace user can download an Index export. This export includes the current folder/file hierarchy to aid in reviewing documents. If Automatic Indexing is enabled, this export will also include index numbers.
Workspace Metadata
Workspace Administrators can generate Metadata exports. This export includes additional details for every folder/file including size, uploader, creation date, and Secure Link status.
Receiving Your Export
Depending on the size of your Workspace, exports can take a few minutes to complete. Once your export has been successfully generated, an email will be sent to the email address associated with your Onehub account. This email will contain your export as either an attachment or as a downloadable link. All exports are formatted for easy import into popular spreadsheet applications.
Important note: Users invited to individual folders or files within a workspace have a limited view and do not have access to this feature.