You can elect to enable the "Custom Domain & White Labeling" option from within your Account settings. This option allows you to link a domain or subdomain to your Onehub account and allows you to remove all Onehub branding.
After purchasing a domain (or using an available subdomain), and enabling the feature within your Account tab, you can further customize your Onehub account. To complete the task, you will be sent instructions from our Support Team for the next steps which will involve setting up a CNAME with your domain provider.
Below is a comparison of what your users will see when signing in to Onehub normally vs. signing in with a Custom Domain.
Standard Onehub sign-in page
"" is the standard sign-in URL if the Custom Domain option is not enabled.
Custom Domain sign-in page
The domain or subdomain you enter in the Custom Domain fields will appear here. For example, if your business's website domain is "" and you choose "yourdomain" as your subdomain, you would enter "" in the Custom Domain field and "" will appear in the URL as shown below.
Invitations and Notifications
Invitations and notifications also have all Onehub branding removed when the Hide Onehub Branding feature is enabled. A separate email domain is used that does not display the Onehub brand.
For details regarding this domain, please reach out to our support team.
Standard Invitation with Onehub Logo

Custom Domain Invitation with Onehub branding removed
To find out how to set up your custom domain, please click here.