What are Workspace Pages?
Certain features within your Workspaces are housed on their own page. You can customize which of these pages are shown, as well as their order. The pages included are:
- Activity
- Dashboard
- Files
- Messages
- Tasks
Who will be Able to See Workspace Pages?
Only users invited at the Workspace level will be able to view pages. Users invited to a folder or file will not see them. The activity page will only display activity for users that have permission to see it.
How to Edit and Re-Order Pages
You can edit what pages are displayed in a particular Workspace, even if default pages are set differently. You can also rearrange the order they appear in, and thus what page visitors see first when accessing your Workspace. To do this, go into the Workspace you want to make changes to, and click the Edit Pages gear icon. It appears when your cursor is near the top of the Workspace.
A small menu will appear that lets you choose which pages to display. Drag-and-drop the pages into the order you want them to appear. The page at the top of the list will always display first when users visit your Workspace.
After you are done making changes, click Save.
How to set Default Pages for an Account
You can customize what pages are enabled in new Workspaces automatically. To set default pages for your account, click on the Account tab from the Home screen.
Then click Theme.
Enable the pages you want to be displayed. Any changes made on this page are saved automatically.
What Pages are Displayed When Data Room is Enabled?
When the Data Room setting has been enabled, only the Files and Messages pages will be available. The Dashboard, Tasks, and Activity pages will be disabled and unavailable in the Edit Pages menu.